I decided to hit up the new Munroe Falls Metro Park Trail called Tallmadge Meadows. I don't know when the official opening was for this area but it sits between the old Monroe Falls park and the Summit County Fairgrounds. I witnessed a lot of the work done on this park addition since I drive past it several times per week on my way to and from work.

Meadow Loop - .35 miles - Easy
Meadow Trail - 2.0 miles - Easy
After briefly looking at the sky around me I decided to give the 2.0 mile trail a shot. I ended up finishing it just as the rain began. I actually rather liked the mix of scenaries and path materials throughout the two miles. The trail goes through both woods and open fields. On hot clear days I would highly recommend using sunscreen because when you hit the path going through the open fields I could see it getting very hot as the sun beats down on you. The path itself transitions from asphalt to just dirt and grass at different stages of the trail.
All in all I was very surprised with this new park and it may become a new regular pick of mine when I am strapped for time but want to get outside for a little while.
One of the first things I noticed when exiting my car and looking south toward the fairgrounds and then west back toward Cuyahoga Falls was that this area is deceptively higher in elevation and you get some good panorama views right from the parking lot and park bench areas.
If you like hiking, parks or just want to get out and see a new addition to our Summit County Metro Parks, be sure to visit the Munroe Falls Tallmadge Meadows Area.
Tallmadge, OH 44278